Dec 12, 2009

King size denim quilt--Finished!

Here I am with King Kong--the king-sized denim quilt is on it's way to its new home! It's so big, we never did fit the whole thing into one photo, even with two people helping me to hold it up.


Not Lucy said...

Very nice! You did a great job! I am hoping to get three smaller ones quilted and bound in the next few days! Wish me luck!

Clare said...

Roz - this is wonderful. Congrats on the finish.

Paula, the quilter said...

This is great. Did you, by chance, weigh it? With all that denim in it, I bet it weighs a lot.

Melissa said...

This is really fantastic! Did you follow a pattern or come up with it yourself? I'd love to make a similar quilt!

Magpie Sue said...

That looks TERRIFIC! Well done! You have every right to be proud of yourself :- )

Anonymous said...

It looks stunnin. Enjoy it!

Sharon said...

Wow, I love it! It looks like stained glass. And it also looks like it weighs a ton! I'm sure the new owner will love it too. Give yourself a big pat on the back...that's quite an accomplishment!

Unknown said...

What an accomplishment! The quilt is beautiful!
