Jan 27, 2009

I've free-motion quilted the baby quilt that I made, and now I'm sewing on the binding. It took a lot of time because I was trying to get a nice piece of flannel for the backing. And I'm still trying to organize a backing for the donation quilt. I guess that I can piece together some flannel for that. I hope to do that today.
Meanwhile, I did mail the white lace baby sweater to my darling new baby cousin. It was kind of a knitting adventure to work on an Elizabeth Zimmermann pattern. She sort of assumes that the knitter has a lot of knitting experience. But the sweater came out so well. Actually, if you want knitting directions that give real guidance, I recommend the Patons company knitting books.

1 comment:

Finn said...

Hi Ros, by all means piece together a backing of mismatched or odd pieces of flannel for the donation quilt(or any other for that matter). Everybodys going 'green' these days, and it's a great way to get the odds and ends used up. Lucky baby to get your knitting. Hugs, Finn