May 17, 2009

I'm back to making letters again. It took me a long time to make this "S". I had a couple of false starts. I wanted it to be a smaller size than what I've been working on. This word that I want to make has 5 letters, plus a couple of liberated quilt squares are needed, so this project will take me some time. I'm not telling what it is yet. It's a gleam in my eye, as they say. Speaking of time, I'm joining the log cabin squares together, and although I'm doing the joining by machine--as opposed to hand hemming, I find the job to be a bit tedious. It's something that should only take a few days, but is going to take me a while, I guess.


Clare said...

S is always difficult. Well for me anyway. I always have to refer back to Tonya's tutotiral for this one.

Looking forward to seeing what it becomes.

Magpie Sue said...

I hear you about joining the log cabin blocks. Sometimes it's those "easy" tasks that we put off doing, just because they do become tedious.

Moses is looking good by the way! Love your choice of border fabrics.

jovaliquilts said...

Joining squares is always a bit tedious, not my favorite part. But the result is worth it! At least you have letter-making to balance it.